Happy 2020!
This year, we’re bringing back the mindful hustle. Our focus words last year were Commit & Focus, this year, it’s DO. 2020 is a powerful year, as a the Year of the Emperor. Don’t worry about the perfect time, the right space. Make the plan and just… do. Whether that’s working hard for your business, creating personal time for yourself, or finally ‘getting around’ to those yoga classes you’ve been meaning to get back into. (guilty)
Have you written your 2020 goals or resolutions yet? If not, we wrote them for you!
- Organize your workspace
- Solidify your branding
- Build an email list
- Plan your social media monthly
- Keep a note of content ideas to reference when you’re running low
- Revisit your sales pitch
- Update your website
- Write a blog post to share your unique knowledge
- Delegate tasks that take up too much of your time
- Clean up your onboarding process
- Clean up your policies
- Write your business plan
- Reconnect with your accountant and see how you can do better
- Get featured on 3 websites
- Reflect on your month to gauge process
- Get an accountability buddy
- Practice communication to team and customers or clients
- Learn to effectively manage cash flow
- Host or sponsor an event, no matter the size
- Work on your automation
- Go to at least one in-person networking event per quarter
- Put money aside for taxes weekly
- Hire a design and marketing team
- Reward yourself for big achievements
- Continue your education even if just through online courses
- Support fellow small businesses
- Examine online presence and make sure it’s all up to date
- Prioritize work/life balance
- Get rid of toxic people
- Know when to take time off
- Take an actual break in the middle of the day
- Don’t put work ahead of family
- Be kind to yourself
- Take a vacation
- Set boundaries
- Take a day trip
- Budget your personal spending
- Make gratitude lists weekly
- Set clear goals for yourself
- Try or learn something new
- Buy art from a small artist
- Work outside
- Practice personal development
- Shut all electronics off for 1 weekend
- Limit mindless social media habits
- Open your mind to criticism and feedback
- Take a class unrelated to business
- Take a yoga class
- Volunteer at an animal shelter
- Do
Download & Print this list to hang in your workspace!