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How To Prepare & Optimize Blog Posts For SEO

by | Education

There’s more to blogging than just great writing.

In the age of information and AI, the internet is flooded with content from all corners of the world. It’s not enough just to write well; your content needs to be found by your audience.

This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes in. By optimizing your blog posts for SEO, you increase the chances of your content:

  • Being found by the right people
  • Driving more traffic to your website
  • And ultimately growing your online presence

The following tips will help you optimize your blog posts effectively for SEO, making sure that your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed.

Make every blog post count.

11 Tips For Better Blog Post SEO (Plus A Bonus Tip!)

Creating your own blog posts is a great way to grow your website’s SEO, build your domain authority, & show off your knowledge. Besides great writing, here are some of the foundational things to prep EVERY blog post with, EVERY time for effective SEO. Our favorite blog optimization tool is Yoast SEO plugin on WordPress for keeping you on track, though most of these tactics can work with any plugin or on any web platform.

1. Pay attention to your blog post length.

The more information, the more value. Google looks for at least 300 words on blog posts or it’s considered ‘thin content’. If you’re going to create a post, make it count!

Additionally, while it’s essential to hit a minimum word count, it is equally important not to overdo it. Creating overly long posts that don’t offer additional value can lead to high bounce rates. Aim for concise, informative content that delivers value from start to finish.

Consider your audience and topic; some subjects may warrant a deeper dive while others may be better suited to a shorter, more focused approach.

2. Focus on your keyphrase & synonyms.

While some businesses develop their blog post strategy based on the SEO keyphrases they want to rank for, before writing anything, there’s no harm in working the other way around.

If you already have something written, you probably already have a keyphrase in your mind. It’s best to choose ONE main keyword (and some synonyms) that you have NOT previously used in other posts; otherwise, you may cannibalize the keyword.

The goal is to make sure your topic is clear throughout the entire post.

3. Create A Catchy Title

Readers skim. In fact, you are probably just skipping this article right now…

If you’re trying to attract a certain user, make sure your title is catchy enough to get their attention.

Think keywords and keyphrases again. Whatever your keyphrase is should be directly clear in the title. Yoast takes length into account, too. The amount of space the title takes up in a Google Search result. While Yoast doesn’t give an exact character count (since it depends on the space of the actual letters), our best recommendation is 50-60 characters.

4. Create an excerpt, snippet, preview, & meta description.

Whatever you want to call it and wherever your website allows you to insert this, 50–155 characters is the sweet spot. This should be a simplified overview of your entire post. This is what will show up under your title in a search result, on your blog, and anywhere else previews are shown and is thought to be a higher ranking factor for your overall blog than other parts of it (like the paragraph text).

Including a keyphrase synonym in here is also a good idea. If you’re not sure what your character count is and you aren’t using Yoast SEO, pop it in a counter.

5. Reread your intro text.

Another spot to make sure you have a keyphrase or a synonym.

This not only makes it clear to users right away what the post is about but keeps your relevant keyphrase or synonyms right at the top.

6. Hit the keyphrase minimum.

Since making your topic clear to users viewing your blog is highly important, as well as on Google, Yoast recommends mentioning your keyphrase a minimum of 2-4 times through the blog’s body text, depending on your word count.

7. H-tags are not just for making text different sizes. They promote hierarchy and what is the most critical information in your post.

They also help users scan the important parts of the article.

H1 should always be your title (and only used ONCE). H2 & H3 are great for sub-sections. Pop a keyword or 2 in there if you can.

8. Pay attention to structure & spacing.

Make sure the text and structure of the post are easy to read.

Your line height should be appealing to a reader, links should be clear, and hierarchy is great. This helps users not get confused about what they’re looking at and bounce.

9. Use images.

Add images for visual support and breaking up text.

To make sure your site loads fast, you must save your image files for web before uploading. The recommended size is less than 200kb.

And always size based on the size in which they’ll show up, not larger. If you have featured image capabilities, take advantage of that. Give your images alt tags (descriptive text) to make sure they’re searchable.

10. Add internal links.

Having at least 1 internal link (perhaps to a services page as a CTA or to reference other posts) is highly encouraged.
This keeps users invested in your site and validates your knowledge.

11. Add outbound links.

Having at least 1 outbound link (perhaps to a cited source) is also a great validator as well as adds value to your post. ALWAYS give credit when necessary.

12. Bonus: Adjust your social sharing settings.

If you’re running Yoast SEO specifically, we recommend double-checking the social previews panel.

Here, you can manually add the appropriate image and any adjustments to preview text based on where you’re sharing content.

Make Every Word Count

Optimizing your blog posts for SEO is essential in the digital age. It is not just about great writing but also about making your content discoverable and valuable to your target audience. By paying attention to the areas that we covered above, you can enhance your blog post SEO and make a significant impact on your website’s visibility and traffic. Remember, every detail matters, so make every word count!

While we get that this is super meta, we hope this helps you on your journey to better blog post SEO! These are the foundational rules we follow when creating our own posts, and of course, there can be an article written on the importance of each one of these individually, so we would love to hear your thoughts on what you focus on for visibility! Download the skimmed-down version for clients here.



Samantha is the founder and creative director for Shanty Town Design. She spends much of her day discussing clients' brand and web strategies, directing and creating with team members to achieve design goals, and brainstorming business opportunities. She enjoys gardening, astrology, traveling, exploring everything strange & unusual, and spending time with her small pack of dogs.

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